Behind the scenes audio magic!
Posted in Gear

Feedback or bad sound can really ruin an event. Our new Behringer X Air wireless digital allows us to perfectly tune our microphones for crystal clarity without feedback. Best of all it affords completely wireless control on an a computer, tablet or phone from anywhere in the room (perfect for large spaces and events). Wireless control makes everything run smoother during dinner, we can adjust the music and mic from anywhere in the room. It’s kind of fun to hand the MC an IPAD and demonstrate how he or she can mute the music music at any time. Audio is really important for a great speech during a wedding or a performance at the company office party. Our new mixer replaces a room full of audio equipment with all sorts of toys for audio nerds like us EQs, reverbs, effects, and compression. With a little knowledge and some good ears those tools are perfect for creating high quality sound during a live performance. The mixer software shows us exactly which frequencies are causing potential feedback trouble with a nifty graph. It enables us to record anything plugged into our system in high quality audio with a simple thumb drive. For those who are audio-tech savvy this specialized mixer is available for rent in our rental division.
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